“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”-Albert Einstein You have a powerful imagination even if you don’t realize it. Your brain is able to generate some great ideas.  …

“Tap Into Your Imagination and Release Your Creative Genius” Read more »

Coaching in an an invaluable tool for business owners to develop and sharpen the skillsets of employees.  According to a survey done by the Institute of Coaching, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, around 80% of employees who receive proper …

“Why Coaching for Your Employees is a Good Investment” Read more »

The coronavirus pandemic has caused people to have more free time than they know what to do with.  Considering how many people regularly complain about not having enough free time, you wouldn’t think that it’s possible to have too much. …

“What To Do When You Have Too Much Free Time on Your Hands” Read more »

Mental toughness can benefit you in many ways. When you’re mentally tough, it’s easier to overcome challenges, whether they be mental, physical, emotional, or something that’s keeping you from achieving your goals. Would you like to make your life easier …

“7 Ways to Grow Your Mental Toughness” Read more »

Let’s face it, it’s difficult to stay upbeat and positive in the middle of a pandemic.  The uncertainty of the outcome of this whole thing, when we’ll “flatten the curve”, whether a vaccine is effectively developed, etc., can wear on …

                   “Why your Mindset Matters in the New Normal” Read more »

 Google My Business is a free tool from Google that if optimized properly can help you create a solid online presence for your business. It can also increase your leads and sales opportunities. Developed by Google in 2004, it wasn’t …

“Why Local Businesses Need a Google My Business Page” Read more »

Freelancing has moved forward exponentially due to the coronavirus pandemic.  As a growing trend, the “gig economy”—where businesses outsource jobs to freelancers who work remotely—has already gotten traction in the last decade.  With the pandemic seemingly in full swing, traditional …

“The 5 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make to Be a Freelancer” Read more »

LinkedIn is the premier B2B social media platform. It’s no longer simply a resume site where organizations post jobs and people submit there resumes.  It’s been a viable platform for client prospecting and nurturing business relationships. It’s known as the …

“Why You Need to Increase Your Presence on LinkedIn!” Read more »

As technology and the online world advances, automation and software are now doing much of the marketing that was done by humans before.   Yes, we’ve always had some sort of multi-touch marketing in various forms, but people are now …

“5 Trends To ‘Humanize’ Your Marketing in 2020″ Read more »